Monday, September 19, 2005

What's Wrong with Believing in God?

Liberals preach tolerance and acceptance. That's what they like to say. Everyone and anyone in this Country, legal or illegal, should be treated the same way. Everyone should be respected for their specific beliefs, no matter what they are. Yet if you're religious and happen to be white and christian as well, you don't count. I mean, according to the Libs, even Al Queda members who are being held in American jails should have a fair trial with representation because we're in the good 'ol US of A! Forget the fact that they want us all dead. But if you believe in God, the sanctity of marriage, and have religious values, you're fanatical.  
Let's just take a look at some lawsuits going on now. The Pledge of Allegiance for one. They want to take out "under God." (For those of you who don't remember the whole line, "One Nation under God...") Supposedly it's offensive and puts pressure on children in schools to believe in God. I'm not sure how that's possible, considering that the "God" in the Pledge isn't a specific god but a general one. Added to that is the fact that the Pledge has no religious intonation. It's a patriotic adage. End of story. They are also trying to get rid of "In God We Trust" on American Currency. How does that offend people? Since when does the word "God" have such a stigma attached to it?

I can answer that. The Libs, yet again, can be take the honors. The political correctness movement has turned the people of this Nation into a scared and self-conscious country of liars. You can no longer call a spade a spade, without fear of getting deemed a racist, or a sexist, or somehow biased. It makes stating the truth almost impossible. Have we become so wrapped up in pretty words that we have to sling through a verbal mudslide before finding some layer of honesty? The answer is a resounding yes! And buried underneath all the cliches and intellectually polished bullshit, we have the basic right to believe in God and not get punished for it. The basic first amendment rights.

But according to the Libs, those rights are only good for the "oppressed" peoples. There has to have been some wrongdoings against "your people" in order for those rights to be available to you. That's nonsense and completely unconstitutional and biased. Yet that's what it's come down to. The liberal left has brought the moral value of this Country to almost zero. Through all the laws they passed to try to stop discrimination, they have only succeeded in highlighting it. Putting it out there so that the human being isn't seen first, but his/her race, sexuality, religion, is. That's disgusting. It goes against everything they say they stand for, and they're all too blinded by their own agendas to see it.

The bottom line is this. Everyone should be treated and respected equally. Tolerance and acceptance don't just belong to minorities. Those characteristics are what this Country was built on. We need to remember that and to show it the proper respect.