Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Just Another Excuse to Bash Bush

Hurricane Katrina swept over New Orleans with 145 mph winds, torrential rain, and, if you looked carefully, a malestrom of leftie excuses to bash Bush. What? You mean you didn't see anything but the devastation the hurricane wrought on the people of N.O.? You didn't see anything but a horrific natural disaster?! Well, you should be ashamed then, you weren't looking close enough. Or, I should say, you weren't looking through the left's eyes.

Helping the people who lost everything comes second to seeing how fast and obnoxious they can lay blame. Mayor Nagin, instead of trying to take control and help the situation, sat back and blamed everyone else for his glaringly apparent failures as a Mayor. He's no Rudy Guliani. Hell, he shouldn't even be allowed in the same room as Rudy. And his colleague Gov. Blanco, didn't do a hell of a lot more. Actually, Bush had to call her to appeal for mandatory evacuations for the low lying city. And if you don't believe me, she's quoted as saying so in an AP article on August 28th, a day before the storm hit the coast.

And now we have to here from Maureen Dowd. Her Op-Ed column today in the New York Times is a rant about the shortcomings of the Bush administration. Not once does she suggest how she would have done it differently, and of course, she uses Katrina as her launch pad for attacking Bush about Iraq. How about we stick to the point here. Here's how she starts her column:

It took a while, but the president finally figured out a response to the destruction of New Orleans.

Later this week (no point rushing things) W. is dispatching Dick Cheney to the rancid lake that was a romantic city. The vice president has at long last lumbered back from a Wyoming vacation, and, reportedly, from shopping for a $2.9 million waterfront estate in St. Michael's, a retreat in the Chesapeake Bay where Rummy has a weekend home, where "Wedding Crashers" was filmed and where rich lobbyists hunt.

Maybe Mr. Cheney is going down to New Orleans to hunt looters. Or to make sure that Halliburton's lucrative contract to rebuild the city is watertight. Or maybe, since former Senator John Breaux of Louisiana described the shattered parish as "Baghdad under water," the vice president plans to take his pal Ahmad Chalabi along for a consultation on destroying minority rights.

Maybe Cheney should go down to New Orleans to hunt looters...

Maureen, if she's being fair, should have mentioned Hillary's nearly $1 million expansion on her palace in D.C. so she can get ready to fundraise for the 2006 senatorial run and the 2008 presidential run, but she doesn't. How dare Hillary, spending money on superficial, materialistic things during a time like this!

But really, COME ON! How much more ridiculous can it get? There's no need nor purpose to bring up the house Cheney may or may not be buying or Hillary's expansion. They have nothing to do with anything. Except, of course, any reason to bash Bush.

She goes on to reprimand the administration for saying that everything was under control, but never criticizes New Orlean's own Mayor or Governor for being completely incompetent. Yes, the feds could have handled the situation better, but Nagin and Blanco did nothing to help themselves. Maybe people need to be reminded that 9/11 was primarily handled by local and state agencies in the first couple of days afterward.

It would be nice if, at some point in time, a situation could arise and the first thing the left does is try to help, instead of slinging blame. Hurricane Katrina was a NATURAL disaster. Let's just try to help those poor people who lost their world.