Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sheehan's Shenanigans

Cindy Sheehan, the newest puppet to the Michael Moore's of the left, has returned to Crawford, Texas to continue her protest of President Bush's handling of the war. Now, before I go any further, I'd like to say that I am incredibly sorry that her son lost his life in Iraq. No mother should have to suffer that kind of grievous loss.

With that out of the way I can say with no guilt that I think Cindy Sheehan is doing a horrible diservice to her son, Casey. She's disrespecting everything he stood for. This man signed up for the U.S. Army, not once, but twice. He voluntarily re-enlisted! He was a hero who was proud to serve his country. And now his Mother, of all people, is using his death as a symbol of America's supposed iniquity. Cindy should be ashamed.

She wants Bush to pull the troops out of Iraq. Now. But I don't think she's taken into consideration what that would mean for the safety of this country. Nor do I think she realizes that if we pull out now, and the insurgents take over Iraq and terrorism continues, that her son's death would be in vain. Why give your life if the cause you are fighting for is abandoned? Casey Sheehan deserves better. He deserves to be honored, respected and called a hero. His own mother can't give him that. So those of us out there that understand why he died need to show him that his life wasn't taken in vain and that we will continue to fight this war and win it, for him and every other soldier that gave their lives for the safety of this country.

Ms. Sheehan, your son would be turning over in his grave if he knew what you were doing. I suggest you think about that.