Thursday, August 04, 2005

White Christian Males Need Not Apply

I read an article, "Campus to 'Mix' it Up," in the NY Post yesterday about Columbia University's new plan to spend $15 million dollars to diversify its faculty. Apparently, after controversy surrounding anti-semetism and professorial intimidation, Columbia's Officials have decided they need to fix their image. They would like to hire more women and minority professors. So, if you're a white man with a Ph.D., are published, and considered among the best in your field, don't apply. I repeat, Don't Apply! You won't get the job. Nevermind that you might be overly qualified for it, it doesn't matter. This "diversity" doesn't include you.

Now, don't get me wrong, racism, bias and any other form of discrimination is not right and should not be tolerated. The controversy over anti-semetism at Columbia disturbed me as much as the next person. However, if Columbia is so pro-inclusion, pro-diversity, they should allow ROTC back on the campus. By kicking them off campus, they go against their supposed tolerance and diversity. Those two terms don't exclude anyone, whether the University agrees with these groups or not. If they let them on campus, completely disagreeing with them but allowing them the right to practice, that would be a show of tolerance worthy of praise.

In regards to adding faculty though, how about we use a tried and true approach. Merit-based hiring. Imagine, hiring people because they deserve the job, no matter what race, gender, religion or sexual orientation they are. It's not a novel idea, but it's one that has been lost in all the PC crap that's out there now. And it's the only form that has no bias.