Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Couple of Thoughts....

1. Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of House makes me want to throw up.
2. Electing a liberal Muslim to Congress is a stupid idea.
3. Lieberman winning in CT is a kick in the face to liberal bloggers, which I like.
4. If the Dems force us to pull out of Iraq this Country will be attacked shortly after the last soldier leaves.
5. Rep. Bernie Sanders who calls himself a SOCIALIST was elected to the Senate after being an 8 term Congressman. Who the hell would vote this guy into office? Fucking Idiots, that's who.
6. Sen. Byrd was a self-proclaimed member of the KKK. He was re-elected.
7. Sen. Teddy Kennedy: Drunk. Re-elected.
8. I'm curious to see how fast the Dems fuck things up. I'm not saying the Republicans were doing perfectly, but the Dems will just make everything worse.

The next 6 years should be fun.