Friday, January 06, 2006

It's Been a While...

I haven't posted anything in quite some time. There are times that I need to take a break from politics, domestic and world issues. That's not to say that I haven't kept up with the news. I have and will continue to do so even if I'm not commenting on it. However, every now and then the state of the American political system drives me mad and I need to take a step back as to not lose all hope in the people running our Country. Sometimes I sincerely wish that every politician could be wiped out of government (non-violently of course) and be replaced by people who actually understand and relate to their constituents. I find it increasingly frustrating that lawmakers no longer listen to the people. They only listen to their lobbyists, their cronies, or their own conscious that tells them that they know what's best for everyone else without ever asking. Oh sure, they say their speaking and acting for the good of the Country, for the welfare of the people, but more and more consistently they are getting farther out of reach from everyday working people.

Power and money can do that I guess. Because it seems like most of the highest profile politicians are millionaires. Millionaires don't relate to regular people. They have the luxury to spend money on pet projects, usually humanitarian in nature, without having to worry about everyday responsibilities. I'm sure there are tons of people who would love to help the environment and already do what they can in their limited capacity, but they also need to work for a living, which means using fuel, usually oil, to get there. They can't afford to by a new Hybrid, they can't afford to outfit their homes with solar-powered panels. They have to eat. These same people can't afford higher taxes and insurance costs. And I'm not talking about the poor, I'm talking about average middle class Americans. They can't afford to take on fiscal responsibility for people who are making less then them. They give their families the best they can and that's all they should be responsible for, unless they voluntarily give more to others. What the millionaire politicians don't realize is that not everyone can give what they can (on the citizens dime) and you can't force people to lessen their own quality of life for the benefit of others.

There is an immense benefit and pride in working and earning money for yourself. It gives a person confidence and that confidence gains them respect from their peers. It makes them feel like their worth something; like they have a purpose and that they're needed. Take that away, and you strip them of their humanity. You make them helpless. Victims. People seen as unable, unworthy, incapable, unintelligent. No one deserves that disrespect. Politicians have to open their eyes to the public. They need to take off their blinders, their selective sight, and take an honest look at what the people of America want from their government and it's employees. The people need to remember that the politicians work for us, and the politicians should be reminded of this on every election year and all those in between. The extreme on either side is not comforting and too far out of reach and understanding. I have a deep belief that the majority of this Country is somewhere in the middle. It's about time we started listening to one another.